life is simple.

- proyecto personal-
Una de las razones por las que me enamoré de las fotografías, es por la capacidad que tienen de traer los recuerdos al presente y poder sentirlos de nuevo. Hay momentos que quisieras repetir, una y otra vez. Y gracias a las fotografías, podemos transportarnos por un momento a ESE momento.

ESE momento, hoy día, es Fortaleza, Brasil en el año 2011. Suena como si hubiese sido hace mucho, o tal vez no, pero fueron días únicos. Todas las mañanas despertaba rodeada de niñas, listas para jugar con mi cabello y salir corriendo de "mi casa" para disfrutar un día más juntas. Los días consistían en juegos, trabajo, y las noches de "descanso", pero nunca dormíamos temprano. Aquellos fueron días, en los que vivimos una vida simple, la ropa no importaba y a veces ni usábamos zapatos porque preferíamos sentir la lluvia.  Si .. todo era muy divertido. Ni siquiera había llevado mi "buena" cámara, solo una compacta. Ni siquiera me dedique a tomar fotos, sino a disfrutar de la amistad de mis pequeñas amigas. Claro está, que a veces si era necesario documentar los momentos.

Simplemente, fueron días lindos, en los que pude compartir y recibir del amor de Dios. Y .. como me gustaría estar ahí, ahorita mismo...


- personal project-
One of the reasons i feel in love with photographs, is for their ability of bringing memories to the present, giving us the chance to feel them again. There are moments that I wish i could repeat over and over again. And thanks to photographs, we can travel for a little to THAT moment.

THAT moment, today is Fortaleza, Brasil in 2011. Sounds like it was a long time ago, or maybe not but these were unique days. Every morning i would wake up surrounded by little girls, ready to play with my hair and leave "my house" quickly, to enjoy another day together. Our days consisted of games, work and our nights to "rest", though we never went to bed early. Those were days, in which we lived the simple life, we didn't care about clothes and sometimes we didn't even use shoes because we would rather feel the rain. Yes .. everything was fun. I haven't even taken my "good" camera, just a compact one. I didn't even focus in taking pictures, it was rather about enjoying the friendship of my little friends. Though, it is obvious that some moments needed to be documented.

They were just great days, in which i was able to share and receive the love of God. And .. how i wish i could be there, right now.

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meet the phototaker


Hello my name is Erika Beltran, and my job is to help you collect all those precious memories with your beloved ones, with the help of my camera. Let's tell your story.